Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Homeschool Happenings

WZZM News station

Everyone is out getting the story.
 In the past they would have to come back to the station to edit and put on the air. Modern technology allows them to report,edit and send back to the station from one location.

The green screen 

Future WZZM crew?

Grand Rapids 

One of the mom's was good at asking the editors, weatherman, etc. what schooling they needed to to get their jobs. 
 I didn't think to ask those questions, I was like the kids, looking at the buttons, screens, flashing lights and trying to see myself on the TV..   The answer that might have escaped the kids, but moms will gladly remind them, was that a college education was needed. 
Weather Ball
Red- warmer weather ahead- Blue- cooler, Green- no change forseen- blinking- snow or rain.

Second Year

 Thankful for the friends we have made over the past year.

Lovely bunch of 10 year olds.. All have September/October birthdays.


 We got bigger pumpkins this year, as we went later in the season.

This is why I go, fresh pumpkin doughnuts.

Our Thursday morning class at Res-Life held a crazy hair day on October 31st. Games, candy and prizes were available for the kids that day.
Ava and her sister had great crazy hair.
 We just did some hair dye and pig tails
 The girls, trading their prizes and candy
Elliot  had his hand at playing pool.
Some of the classes the kids have been taking on Thursday morning:
Gift Making
Defend your faith
Michigan History

I plan on including some pictures and information about their Wednesday school in the future.

I know I have said it before, but my kids don't have to worry about socialization with the way we homeschool, I have the opposite problem, too many choices for socializing. 

fruitridge from outypants on Vimeo.